So for 5 minutes we all got a taste of what being a TV presenter is like. Some got nervous, some put on the strong suit and another may have put on her sexy voice. We will let you be the judge of who was who!
On a Friday morning before 10, well in fact 8am all of us were fresh and fabulous to face up to a rather large camera in our space, lighting, a fluffy thing for sound and Le'V on the coffee, a few of them ...

Of course seasoned host, Hayley rallies up perfectly poised and ready for action. "Girls, you will be fine!" Fine, alright ... Take 10.

Let's hide backstage ... I say ... (forgetting I am microphone'd up and can run but they can still hear me!)

Oh and then there was ... LFB'er, Charmaine who joined us for the morning. A little bit of Paris in Perth ... (Au s'il vice plait)

Here's some more sneaky peek pics of behind the scenes;

That's enough, we don't want to give away too much about the segment ... rather we'd love you to watch it and share it with your like minded friends. We want to meet more women who would enjoy what we do.
Would you like to host a private girls night at Look Feel Be? You and your friends could enjoy an experience as Hayley and Charmaine did. What is involved, we hear you say. Get a group of your faves together (up to 10 positive women) and book a date. We can do morning tea's or afternoon tea's (with a little more in the tea cup) or an after hours evening time to suit you and the theme you wish to set. Team LFB will do the rest.
We will share our knowledge freely to style you, highlighting bodyshape tips and techniques in dressing to maximise your personal image. We will do your make up, hair with a vintage flair. It is a lot of fun. Ask us for more information. As the host you gain a $70 credit to use in store as a thank you. Call to book your date 08 9471 9086 or email us at
So many new garments and stunning jewellery pieces are landing daily ... as the season starts to change, not to mention our Racing Hat Collection due shortly! There is plenty to party about when you book your girly night with us.
Oh and as I research my upcoming trip to Europe (my first ever at the end of this week) keep an eye on our Facebook for my outfits along the way and Instagram for sights.

Big smiles from me and even bigger ones from Le'V as she gets to party harder with Team LFB.
I will be away when the show goes to air (sound so profess). Leave us a comment with feedback when you see it, be kind!
Au revoir ...
Caroline x
PS: Big shout out of love, respect and appreciation for my colleagues xxx
What a month July has been. Business has been tough and so has life. Not just for me, for many. Most people will tell you all is well however I've come to learn there is little value in that ...
So as I type this months blog on a return flight home from Bali I hear the Captain apologise for; "no white wine, no something else, limited drinks in general, no headsets however our IPads remain available for hire and we wish you a happy flight."
Normally I'd do that dry, slightly down turned smile then consider suitable solutions; like red wine will be fine.
Today, I am just grateful to have shared 4 days with my husband, Paul on a work trip and slowed down enough to just be. I find myself taking a mo to think of the many who can't be with their loved ones, the wars and the terribly, dreadful incidents happening around the world.

You see 6 weeks ago Paul like many in his field, lost his job and we've been laying low.
Due to bespoke orders and our LFB summer collection needing testing or sampling as they say in the industry, I was called to come and hang with our production crew and get the show on the road. So with some sweet talking I convince Paul to join me. Easy. Not so. It was Sunday; we fly Tuesday night; we discover his passport is out of date. Ahhhh. Can you believe the Australian Passport office turned his new one around in 3 hours!? Top marks.
Then he gets called in for a lengthy business meeting - an interview. Monday. Done. New project, sorted. Starts this Monday!
And then our dogs. They needed baby sitting. New dog besties, Meredith and Zoe (from Swallow Bar fame) head over for a long dinner at ours and an induction with Samantha and Stanley Schnauzer. While showing them around we found the cellar!!! Fast track to next day...
Wow, the new Bali International Airport. Amazing! Super transformation ...

I set myself the challenge to find accommodation that was fab yet very affordable. $55 a night with breakfast and a massage each day (each) Yay! A new hotel near our team. Double yay! It's not the ideal tourist spot however if you are there for biz it's great ...

This trip was all about trying new things and making new things while meeting some new friends along the way ...

How cute are these specimens? Smiling ...

Ok, so you can tell from the pic above some fun was had.
When you start manufacturing you learn so much. And I'm so excited by Stephanie joining us and bringing new skills with passion to our team. We are developing some styles that we believe, you will love. I hope when you wear them, you have as much fun as we had in creating them! Due in store later this year.
Stay tuned to our website and social media channels to see our next blog. It is going to bring a tear to your eye. I promise you.
Thank you for your continued support of our little business attempting to make a big difference.
With a smile ... CJ & Team LFB xxx
PS: Are you coming Thursday night? Check out our events page for details
With a leave note from our husbands and with Le’V holding HQ in fun, fashionable shape.….we were authorised to leave Perth city bound for weather fit Bali to start the production cycle of the ‘Look Feel Be’s’ Summer Collection; “aujourd'hui permet de voyager à thé”.
Over the past two years, I have been bringing together an extended team in Indonesia who are talented in the art of producing quality garments.
Fortunately my LFB Design Partner and all time crazy women Andy is on board to co-drive our design development (including pattern making and sampling) process with loving help from Le’V (our fit model among other business talents), myself (all round go to girl) and the off shore team headed up by Putu (production and quality control guru). Enough background.
Let’s fast forward to departing. With two massive suitcases full of patterns, design notes and samples, not to mention the key fabric for the range, we check in.
This is the first time Andy has left her 5 year old son Connor and gone away. She was military like in her prep regime with three days of his favourite meals carefully labelled in the fridge by day and all school uniforms ironed (including undies) stock piled ready to go in perfect condition. With a list for hubby to follow she gets in the car with guilt and anticipation (leaving her man in charge) that all will be chaos and hunger!
It is on boarding the plane that Andy confesses she has a fear of flying.…

With the help of Cody who Andy adopts as her personal flight attendant confidence kicks in as does the fun…..
It seemed like the longest flight, however, it had been a full on two days prior, so both of us were a little tired. Thank goodness we booked the ‘express service’ at the airport. If you have not tried this service, consider it. Flight Centre can organise it for you. EFFICIENCY plus. We were whisked through the airport (no lines) to see our long time driver with a big smile.
Peeling off the layers, it is super warm as we drive to the hotel; Bliss. No orange skin here (if you missed Vanessa’s disastrous fake tan experience check out the last blog) it’s all glowing white x 2!
Thanks Estelle Johnston (no relation) at Flight Centre Maylands for organising such a ripper deal and to Mr Boss man at the hotel for the upgrade!
Day 1: Up at 6am. Eat Indonesian breakfast. When in Rome you must, both Andy and I believe. Prepare at length notes before going off to finalise some additional fabrics needed. This all sounds rather glam perhaps, however, it is intense. The fabrics must perfectly match back with others previously selected, meet a price and width guideline, and be of high quality, oh and available in the volume we need.

After a late fuel stop for lunch (Indonesian of course) we are ready to bounce into’ Indo LFB offices’ with refuelled energy to burn and strong iced coffees in hand for the team.
Laptop out, fingers start typing into the production schedule as we work through samples, patterns, samples, patterns, theories, yield return on fabrics to be used, patterns, samples.… 4 hours later we are just about complete on all fronts. Phone rings and we all run out the door to dinner in different directions.
Andy and I selected a relaxed restaurant for dinner which turned into ground hog day. The common answer to all our questions….“I don’t know but I will find out.”
Escaping back to our room (thanks again Mr Boss man – have we said that already?) we stay up talking like school girls (sms back and forth with Le’V) for hours and hours brainstorming where to, how to, what to, who to and all the while loving the work of team, go to.
Day 2: Up at 8am. Production schedule emailed to ‘Indo LFB HQ’. Eat Indonesian breakfast. Tears appear thanks to extra chilli sauce we have both fallen for. Andy decides we will have the morning off. Well she has the morning off as I semi-work on laptop, poolside (love wi-fi – roof top style) while watching the reaction of others as she struts a new ‘flown in especially, Victoria Secret Sponge Bikini ‘.
Bored (and a little too red – overcast does not mean safe to baste)…. we decide to go adventuring and make our way to Seminyak. Both of us don’t mind a walk so we hit the pavement…me in my new shoes (some of you may recognise this style). I ‘now’ have them in every colour available. White was the last colour needed to complete the set!
Talking of colour … we decide it’s time for me to pop a copper coat on my hair and that’s where Bill (a dear friend of many of my dear friends) enters with Wella in hand. All while Le’V has a hair update too (connected!) unbeknown to us.… a fringe is now in the Maylands house.
LFB’ers, do stop by and visit his team when in Bali. This hottie was the smile behind Head Office for Hair in Perth many a year ago. Check it out on FB.
With new locks, Andy’s feet having experienced some reflexology and an off cut of Aloe Vera from the salons stash, we walk into ‘won’t ever let you down,’ Ultimo Restaurant for an early, inexpensive dinner. While this might all look glamourous; Andy and I have worked 7 days a week for weeks preparing for this trip and take a mo to acknowledge to do list; check check ...
Last day: Check in with Le’V, Le’Indo, Husbands and Connor (in no particular order). Eat. Indonesian breakfast. Meet fab Japanese guest who shows us that being different brings us together.
We do some more work while enjoying some warmth. Monitor our irresponsible sunburn. Hear from ‘Perth Now’ via twitter that weather warnings are in place for Perth on the way to airport. I look at Andy, she looks at me. We call out to LFB’ers via FB for up to date weather reporting when Virgin Crew we flew up with walk by and give us their word to help scared, crazy women Andy (by chance they remembered us – go figure) get home safely.
Timing as they say is everything! It’s a true team effort this LFB community show; we thank you, LFB’ers for continuing to be an important part of our crew.
We do hope you will love the LFB summer collection when released in November.
Oh and here are some, 'take on a trip,' must haves we suggest ...

(Scarf $49. Bag $99. Ballet pumps $70. Primer $50. Tinted Moisturiser $55)
With a smile … CJ x
PS: Thank you Connor for being a good boy while Mummy was away! x