So for 5 minutes we all got a taste of what being a TV presenter is like. Some got nervous, some put on the strong suit and another may have put on her sexy voice. We will let you be the judge of who was who!
On a Friday morning before 10, well in fact 8am all of us were fresh and fabulous to face up to a rather large camera in our space, lighting, a fluffy thing for sound and Le'V on the coffee, a few of them ...

Of course seasoned host, Hayley rallies up perfectly poised and ready for action. "Girls, you will be fine!" Fine, alright ... Take 10.

Let's hide backstage ... I say ... (forgetting I am microphone'd up and can run but they can still hear me!)

Oh and then there was ... LFB'er, Charmaine who joined us for the morning. A little bit of Paris in Perth ... (Au s'il vice plait)

Here's some more sneaky peek pics of behind the scenes;

That's enough, we don't want to give away too much about the segment ... rather we'd love you to watch it and share it with your like minded friends. We want to meet more women who would enjoy what we do.
Would you like to host a private girls night at Look Feel Be? You and your friends could enjoy an experience as Hayley and Charmaine did. What is involved, we hear you say. Get a group of your faves together (up to 10 positive women) and book a date. We can do morning tea's or afternoon tea's (with a little more in the tea cup) or an after hours evening time to suit you and the theme you wish to set. Team LFB will do the rest.
We will share our knowledge freely to style you, highlighting bodyshape tips and techniques in dressing to maximise your personal image. We will do your make up, hair with a vintage flair. It is a lot of fun. Ask us for more information. As the host you gain a $70 credit to use in store as a thank you. Call to book your date 08 9471 9086 or email us at
So many new garments and stunning jewellery pieces are landing daily ... as the season starts to change, not to mention our Racing Hat Collection due shortly! There is plenty to party about when you book your girly night with us.
Oh and as I research my upcoming trip to Europe (my first ever at the end of this week) keep an eye on our Facebook for my outfits along the way and Instagram for sights.

Big smiles from me and even bigger ones from Le'V as she gets to party harder with Team LFB.
I will be away when the show goes to air (sound so profess). Leave us a comment with feedback when you see it, be kind!
Au revoir ...
Caroline x
PS: Big shout out of love, respect and appreciation for my colleagues xxx
August tends to be almost an annoying speed bump for me (Caroline here typing) ... as I chant for my favourite time of the year, Spring. While it is not wise to wish time away, there is definitely an excitement brewing as I know it's near.
At this time of the year the fashion industry leads us to shake off winter woolies (I might add that my fingers ache from the cold as I type, so we acknowledge there is 'still' a need!) and freshen up your white legs to get set for summer.
To inspire you towards Spring, Stephanie has been busy designing a new capsule collection that you can dress up and down. Here's a look ...

I had to beg her to model the collection, yet I think you will agree she looks stunning. All of the WA made garments are in store now and online. And the sizing we are proud to say is perfect. Buy with ease online if you are reading from afar.
When selecting the sheer deco fabric on the left I have to admit we may have both rolled ourselves up in it. It is so luxurious!
When I asked Steph on her first day back from leave (she was a tad happy as captured in this image) how she felt seeing the collection come to fruition she said; "It is very exciting and a nervous time to see a range you've created come to life. It is awesome to be able to share what has been in my head yet it's scary as I hope others will like it as much as we do!" "I know the styles are flattering and I do hope our LFB'ers love the fit, the fabrics and the combos."

To pair back with the collection of limited edition dresses we have new jewels ... here's just a hint of them;

OH and make up, it's that time of the year to refresh, SO we are offering everyone that leaves us a comment on our blog (fab feedback please) a COMPLIMENTARY mini Make up session (valued at $69) in August - during the week (does not include weekends). Bookings essential as places are limited. Call 9471 9086 ...

Are you free on Tuesday the 18th from 6.00pm? We need some noses on the job to help us select 3 scents from 6 for something we will be launching closer to Christmas. If you have a nose that knows a winning formulation, please join us at LFB HQ.
Finally, at this time when all business large and especially small are feeling a pinch, we thank you for your continued love of us weeeee women in business doing our best to make a difference in an everyday way.
Oh and do keep an eye on our website as new garments are being placed on it almost daily.
With a smile ...
Caroline & Team LFB x
We have doubled the credit value to $140 for any LFB'ers who book a private girls night in March and April 2015!
What does a private night at LFB look like, we hear you say ...

To book in email us at
or telephone 9471 9086, it is a great night if we do say so ourselves!
And for parties held in March and April there is a $140 credit for the host (had to say it again to believe it ourselves).
Look forward to playing dress ups ...
With a smile
Caroline, Stephanie, Vanessa and Melissa - Team LFB x
Vintage, retro, fifties, sixties, seventies and (gasp) eighties!

We're all drawn to an era, through music, fashion and sometimes food - yes, the seventies chick in me (Le'V here writing) owns and displays proudly an orange fondue set. For some, it may be a dirty little secret (I've seen a lot of closets in my styling time), yet there is a timeless, feminine quality direct from the past, that continues to stand the test of time (disclaimer: the eighties - I'm just saying).
Style trends of bygone eras call to us like an annoying 5am bird-song. For example, I can't go past some Farah Fawcett flicks circa 1977. Steph loves a good Victory roll. And CJ would sleep in her Audrey-style frocks and tap shoes given the opportunity, while Mel has been coveting french-style, garden party frocks with keen mutterings about a 'smoky-eye'.

And with that in mind we (at LFB) are here to encourage you to embrace that fun, feminine part of you that deep down would rather sashay and swing on the dance floor with Danny Zuko of Grease fame or sway cosmically at Woodstock in a cloud of suede fringing and patchouli.
Enter Stephanie:

Since gracing us with her Vintageous presence, I'm not going to lie, we've all been motivated to up-the-vintage-anti. Seriously, Mel and I have both dusted off our straighteners and curling irons. I may or may not have taken to donning my (one) sixties style head-scarf....(bad hair days and the poverty- line/dark roots called for it). And CJ? Well we all know CJ isn't one to shy away from a new 'do' or two!
Combining the Vintage Hair and Make-up services and our super-feminine frocks and figure-forgiving fashion we are encouraging you all to throw fashionable caution to the wind, have some fun and glam up! Even if it's a scarf in your hair with your jeans and tee. It's seriously easy (ask Steph how).
Which begs the question: 'What's Your Vintage'? Like a fine wine or cheese (our other favourite things) you get to choose so let the games begin!
Next week we are set uncover some surprises at our Scarves, Sweaters and Sexy secrets event on Feb 25, 6-8pm. Have you RSVP'd yet by calling 9471 9086 or by following the prompts on facebook?
And in March and April we are giving you an opportunity to get your Vintage on when we kick off our 'Vintageous Me' Hair, Make-up and Vintage Style Workshops! Spots are limited so keep your eyes peeled to Facebook for registration and check back here (follow links) to get in first.
Until then,enjoy our crazy markdowns in Feb and stay Fab!
With a smile ...
Le'V, Stephanie, Melissa and the CeeJ - Team LFB x
PS: We look forward to sharing with you tips from this book on the night too ...

PPS: There are a LOT of new styles, just in ... for the vintage personality, the bohomian, the classic and cotemporary amongst us. Pop in, we would love to see you!
PPPS: This was written by Vanessa Foynes ... the website just wants CJ to get the credit as per below (smiling, silly system ... CJ here, I will take it ;) x
Last week the nation stopped to watch a race, the prestigious Melbourne Cup.
In our case Team LFB and 51 fellow LFB'ers listened to it at the awarded Swallow Bar (a few doors down in Maylands).
Awarded; yes, in the past 4 weeks the Swallow Bar have won Small Bar of the Year 2014 as acknowledged by the industry body and then the Australian Hotel Awards Best Bar Menu (well, we can vouch for that!)
Big congratulations to owners Meredith and Zoe!
Back to our day, it started early with make up and vintage hair sessions in store and as it got closer to 11am Whatley Crescent was filled with women in vintage inspired outfits, hats, fascinators, heels and smiles a plenty. The media even stopped by to see what all the fuss was about.
Everyone was out for a great day with like minded company.
With the DJ playing, the tap dancers welcoming guests to their tables and gift bags to open, the energy was high.
The food was amazing (as always) and with best dressed prizes, sweep stakes and some impromptu shoe shuffling from mwhah (CJ), the afternoon flew by.
Amongst all the fun we did manage to raise $620 for our friends at the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and Zoe said we will do it all again next year. Pop it in your diary now.
Much love to our friends at Swallow Bar for partnering with us, Team LFB (including Paul - Hubby to CJ) and to those that joined us on the day.
With a smile
CJ, Le’V, Stephanie and Melissa – Team LFB x

PS: If you have pictures from the event, please feel free to post them to our facebook page. We'd love to see them x
It's Tuesday just before Wednesday and then, there is Thursday. I am a bit nervous. Can you tell?
This Thursday 6pm. Worlds greatest shave takes over the ol CJ and as the pink goes, bald becomes the new black and we still have a few $$$ to raise ...

The last 7 days with pink hair have been amazing. Thank you again to Jarryd at Tryst for Hair
My dogs were not sure of the new look. My husband loves it. My Dad didn't say much. Friends just wanted to touch it. Strangers smiled.
It's better than having a dog on a leash or a baby in the pram as an icebreaker to meet new peeps.
At the beach yesterday two male hotties stopped and made note of the hair. My dear friends and I made a few notes ourselves (smiling!) ...

Have you been down to see the Sculptures by the Sea exhibition? You must. It's terrific. For our out of town, LFB' are some pics;
Loved the dog art installation … and felt this man needed to eat more ...

Would love to know what the women was thinking as she modelled for this ...

So as I contemplate what it is going to feel like being bald (as per exhibit above) ... I remain grateful this is a choice and that we are raising money to help others. Many others.
If you want to spray colour (temporary bright colours) your hair on Thursday evening from 5pm for a gold coin donation, we will be doing this out the front of the store. If you want to see me in my shiny shiny glory … then come on by at 6pm …
To donate … go to Worlds Greatest Shave website (follow this link)
If you can't join us on the night … Songy Knox will be on hand capturing the moments for the later … shine, show and tell
With a smile …
CJ, Le'V & Mel - Team LFB xxx
PS: If you missed the going pink stage 1 story, scroll down for our last blog
Saying you will do something and actually doing it, are two very different things
Waking up knowing you are going to radically change your hair as Step 1 in the journey towards baldness for a cause is quite an interesting sensation. In saying this ... just tonight, I was watching an ad for 60 minutes where an amazing women who has MS (and who is going off to Russia for treatment as we are too backward in our thinking here) shaved her hair all off so her children felt connected to the change that was about to happen and were not scared by her new look before she underwent massive amounts of chemo. Her response; "I feel stripped back to nothing" … Wow.
So respecting the above and the MANY stories I have heard in recent months about people loosing their hair as a bi product of disease I share with you my journey to step 1. If you missed our last blog check it out to understand a little more of the background. Thank you must go to friends and family 'and' strangers too who gave to our mission to raise awareness and money, who picked the colour pink as our starting point.
The morning of the shave (which was yesterday as I type this) I didn't bother washing my hair … yet I did brush it with love and nerves at the prospect of giving it over to Jarryd. Jarryd is a man I have never met who like me simply wants to help others and do his bit for making a difference. Enter Tryst for Hair in Mt Hawthorn. In I go. 3.00pm … looking like this:

I see a cushion with this message on it … and a hot guy behind the counter (that must be the kind one, Jarryd!?). And there was Songy Knox waiting for me.

Songy is a talented photographer who I met a year or so ago. She loves our little LFB and as a local is keen to support local. When she heard I had committed to shaving it 'all' off … she sweetly emailed me and offered to shoot the experience. What a blessing. The more awareness we can muster for our friends at the Leukaemia Foundation the better and pictures do, after all paint 1000 words. Keen to get started … here are my favoured pictures:
Reference shot. Check.

Hair shaved in less than 1 minute … Check, check. Mo anyone?

Loved this temporary look, only to be reminded … "Don't get comfy with it!" ...

Really, really itchy … as we bleach the living organisms out of it … before adding pink. If you know me, you will know I hate sitting still for long. AND itching. Two pet hates! This is why friend, Lauren and Worlds Greatest Shave guru was on hand to make sure I did not run away ...

Nicole's hands were like magic on my scalp. Nothing beats a good apprentice!

A lot more cutting and lots more jam duty. What's jam duty? I hear you ask … It is when pink dye wants to run down your face and into the blonde bits and Jarryd is at the ready with towel to mop up said looking raspberry jam (my nickname for it) before it ruins the art. This was quite a job to do. It is now 5pm or close to and my Husband rings. NOTE: Paul has no idea I am going for a radical cut or pink… "Honey, I am at the hairdressers … see you at home!" …
Well, if you want to see the many more amazing photographs from the afternoon … please visit Songy's gallery online there was a lot of love in the room and some sad times too. We shared stories of why doing this was important to us. Remembering Jarryd and I were strangers up until yesterday. Jarryd told me of a stunning women, a client of his for years, who loved/loves her appearance (as we all should!!!) and who was fighting blood cancer. He shared how it made him feel washing her hair after the first bout of chemo and the tears they both shared when shaving it off … because she had no choice. That is why we are doing this for those who had fought, those fighting, those winning, those yet to know they will be impacted ...

So as strangers we come together to create a pink do and some dough too …
Please help us continue on our mission to raise money and awareness for the Worlds Greatest Shave and donate a $1 or 2
With a smile … and pink hair until the 13th of March 2014 (6pm) when it all comes off at a public shave out the front of Look Feel Be (come and join me)
Caroline & Team LFB xxx
PS: A very 'big' thank you to the kids at Maylands Basket Ball Club for the $$$ from the swears jar! ;) x
Christmas is fast approaching and we wanted to wish you a very happy one before the festivities ran away with us.
What a year! I hope you will have time to reflect back and feel a sense of satisfaction while looking ahead with positive anticipation. It’s always a time of consideration, appreciation and degustation, both Vanessa and I feel.

As we slow down enough to get present, we are grateful to you for your continued support of our little business that celebrates its 3rd Christmas and the friendships we have made, the lessons learnt and the fun had.
So with not a lot of time left here’s a few gift options for you to consider when going through your naughty and nice list …
These are our own products made right here in WA

LFB baby candle $20, LFB essential oil room spray $20, LFB perfume oil $49, LFB big candle $60, LFB Christmas cheer diffuser $69
Remember we use only the finest of essential oils and soy. No chemicals are used.
Why not a LFB Gift Certificate …

When you buy a gift certificate for $100 or more you will be gifted on the certificate a complimentary make up session with our resident make up artists (us) with a value of $69 as an extra bonus for your loved one to use anytime in the new year.
We use the beautiful Arbonne make up collection and give tips too.
In January & February we will be hosting a ‘refresh your look for the new year’ workshops
Dates and topics;
Thursday 16 January is with an emphasis on taking an old piece from your wardrobe and refreshing it (recycling, up cycling, LFBliking)
6-8pm. $20 a ticket (incl light food & champagne)
(redeemable on a purchase in the same month)
Thursday 13 February is with an emphasis on Bodyshaping enhancement tips (with the clothes you choose) for size 14/16 plus
6-8pm $20 a ticket (incl light food & champagne)
(redeemable on a purchase in the same month)
Thursday 27 February is with an emphasis on colour, make up & hair
6-8pm $20 a ticket (incl light food & champagne)
(redeemable on a purchase in the same month)
Bookings essential to secure your seat.

Closed from 25 December through the New Year and will reopen on Saturday the 4th of January at 10am.
Our online store will remain active at
Please note we will be closed on Sundays in January as experience tells us you are all at the beach or in air con with a book (smiling).
If you have a current layby, please collect it before 24 December so you can wear it for your holidays.
Hot news as we head into a heat wave: It appears the Christmas Stalk arrived early at Le’V’s house. We will have a baby (Le’Peanut) in the fashion house!

Due in May 14 and the great news for all of us, she will return to work in the Spring perhaps with one of those baby sling things from our friends at SoSi on her so we can all ga ga …
Look out for the ‘how to dress for maternity success’ workshop next year’ … Smiling!
Happy Christmas with big smiles - Caroline (CJ) and Vanessa (Le’V) xx oh and now Le’P x
PS: We have a very talented young lady from Perth College performing every Saturday from 11 on our piano in store, pop by for a festive listen
Our last post was in late August as we danced our way through turning 2 celebrations. Where has the time gone, we ask ourselves. Visualise crazy woman with hair standing up on end and make up running from sweat beads with big eyes wide!
So what's been happening? What's not been happening! Well, we hired a house. That was fun. We took over for an afternoon the Blue Waters Perth Mansion on Canning Highway in Como. Do you know it? It has been a childhood fantasy of mine to own this Art Deco beauty and to have it for an afternoon into the evening was a true delight. It was to be the setting for our Look Feel Be Summer 2013 Signature Collection photo shoot...
Lots of fun was had with Andy (the Fox) otherwise known as my Design Partner on this collection, Juliet Borshoff, who was on hand representing Design Merchants (our scene setter for the day and allround, great LFB'er gal pal) along with our dear, Le'V modelling away with that trademark smile. She did an amazing job! Oh and we must acknowledge Poppy Poodle ...
The full LFB Summer collection can be seen online (and ordered) and don't forget to check out more images in our Look Book

Dropping in to check out the goings on at the ol Blue Waters residence was friend of LFB, And Andrea who we love and who could not resist capturing some further goings on ... check out her blog from the day

Then came Melbourne Cup! We partnered with Sittella Winery to host our Launch of the LFB Summer Collection with 140 guests. Oh what fun. The team at Sittella did everything. Well almost, Dancers (our always preferred, healthy, models) from Greenroom Entertainment were on hand to rally up the catwalk LFB style and as the race raced, frocks flowed and gasps were aplenty.

A big thank you to Lynn (love thy neighbour) from The Green Door Florist for making the floral head pieces for us!
It was a great afternoon topped off by Andy winning the sweep stakes!
And with the sun shining through November we head quickly to December...

Big kisses from all us of here at LFB!
Stay tuned for our next blog (promise you won't have to wait so long) with Christmas gift ideas to get you through the Christmas cheer...
With a smile ... CJ x
PS: Don't forget to book in for a special occasion make up session if you are heading out somewhere special over the festive weeks (bookings essential)
Two years ago on September 1 we opened the doors of little Look Feel Be Maylands as highlighted in a recent mailer out to loyal LFB'ers and to mark the occasion we went dancing!
Joining forces with great neighbours Estudio Nuevo we hosted a night of fun, fashion and dancing ...
Guests arrived on the trademark LFB red carpet sporting their Look Feel Be best ...

We all enjoyed fine wines from our friends at Sittella's Winery (delicious) which helped limber us up for the dance moves to follow...

Someone say Flamenco? With a variety of LFB'ers performing it was not only entertaining, it was inspiring ...

In between our dance workshop (which was not only a work out it was a crack up!) some of our LFB'ers put their hand up to show us their talent and we must say, they put us to shame (well some of us - wink wink) ... Check out Crystal doing her thing!
In between the dance floor moves, three of our finest LFB'ers debuted their modelling career in a... shall we say, 'fringe format - freestyle' way ... boasting new season garments, just in!

The LFB models did a fantastic job and were welcomed back for an encore! It was actually quite hard to get them off the Birthday stage. Pop in this weekend to see the pieces! They will be on line in next week or so (if they last that long!)
With a few magical moves across the dance floor by guests spontaneously moving their hips (male and female) there was a terrific vibe in the room ...

And then with a surprise out came LFB'er Gemma with her partner wearing a sizzling new season dress (hot!) ...

Thank you to all who came along and to the many beautiful LFB'ers who wrote to us to acknowledge our event that could not join us in this instance and the difference we have made to them. It means a lot to us.

Let the music continue in store (wish we could fit Tim into our little LFB everyday) - we look forward to dancing with you soon and don't forget we have many offers in our Birthday month ...
With a smile and a big thank you ... CJ & Le'V along with Team LFB x
PS: To see more pics from the party go to our facebook page!