Feeling vulnerable is something most of us seek to avoid. On joining forces with Songy Knox who so kindly donated her time to capture my Worlds Greatest Shave experience, she set me the challenge of doing an Autumn Winter fashion shoot with me as the bald model.
It all sounded fab up front however this very 'un model' was having regrets. Note: We had agreed, no photoshopping. Heightened anxiety set in ...
I wasnt nervous about going pink, nor the shave (well maybe a bit) or the reaction of others ... No I was regretting committing to a photo shoot.
Well, there was no backing out now!
With Le'V on hand to style this ol girl up, I had fake eye lashes applied for the first time ever and a quick blow dry (just kidding) ... together Le'V and I headed to the Design Merchant studio, where Songy, Juliet and Molly were on hand to meet us for an afternoon that was fun, fabulous and for a good purpose.

Molly was keen to join in, she asserted herself into a number of activities on the day.
Juliet from Design Merchants happens to be a longtime LFB'er who loved having a sneak peek at new season garments selected for the day.
Our purpose today, was to show that bald is beautiful and unite with women who are currently doing it bald. You be the judge...
Songy had her work cut out for her directing un model me however we loved her straight to the point approach which stretched me well beyond my comfort zone.
Molly just loved the company and so did I ...

I loved learning about angles and lighting while being told to stand this way or that ...

Climbing ladders in heels (yep) I pick my lemons like this often...
Couldn't resist getting a shot in my favourite undies, you know the ones? We swear by them, seamless and remember to go up 2 sizes. This merino wool vest is delightful ... A lust have, must have!
The above; is one dress every women needs in her wardrobe! The sunnies make you feel like a rock star and are available at our friend, Alice's ... Hunter Store.
With extra lipstick added, the above is my fave shot ... You can pre order the dress online. I've got it back to front - you can wear this at least 3 ways. I am smiling albeit you can't see it!!!
We are still raising money, so please share our message with the links as it can all be done simply online or in store at Look Feel Be.
We have until the end of June to help the good folk at the Leukaemia Foundation, help others.

A super shout out of love to contributors;
- Songy Knox for her generosity and art
- Le'V for her styling, make up & coaching skills at Look Feel Be
- Juliet Borshoff for allowing us to use her Design Merchants studio and her assistant Miss Molly for keeping us all real & bringing us extra joy
- Leukaemia Foundation for helping millions of people in the past, in the now & tomorrow
To all the friends, family, LFB'er fam, suppliers, business associates, the postie ... who gave or when they couldn't in dollars, they shared the message in the hope that someone would. It all makes a difference.
In signing off ... here are 10 things I like about being bald:
- No bed hair, ever
- Feeling of being truly clean
- Time saving
- Feeling the elements
- Sensory bonus when head massaged
- Others reaction
- Raising money
- Minimised fear 'just in case' ... lets be honest with 1 in 3 of us having the potential ...
- Greater love of what I do have (my lashes and brows are so appreciated)
- One more thing off my list
With a smile ...
CJ & Team LFB xxx
The start of a fresh year always brings back memories of hot summers, plenty of ice cream, covering school books (gotta love contact), staying up late surrounded by an air filled with promise of new adventures near.
What do you remember about this time of year as a kid?

We hope you have started your year relaxed and had time to reunite with fam & friends.
The year of 2014 (Year of the Horse according to Google) And hopefully that means we’ll gallop into January (its already the 11th) with a healthy list of promises (resolutions) of what will be - no pressure of course. How many of you do this, we wonder?
The term failing to plan is a plan to fail is vaguely playing in our ears however so is the ‘living in the present’ theory. Most will have an opinion on what’s the best method to start the year so while bringing up the topic, we are more interested in wishing you love, health and happiness.

This year I, (CJ) hope to share more quality time with hubby, Paul (thus now having Sundays off), looking after my health by revisiting Pilates & traveling (watch that space as LFB’ers, you will get to ‘somewhat’ come along). Sharing time with friends I have not seen since opening LFB with any quality. Oh and of course happiness for me comes when we keep stretching our little LFB with new initiatives to keep you (and us) entertained.
Le’V is hoping to give birth to a beautiful baby in May (she twitches) whilst trying to share her time with her man and fur baby ChloeDancer (post baby late night feeds), maintain her LFB influence (yay), continue to have excellent energy.
This year we will be hosting many workshops to connect with the ‘look good’ aspects of LFB, the ‘feel great’ attributes and the ‘be the difference’ initiatives. You can get your tickets online to our January workshop (which is this coming week).
If you have any workshop topics you would like us to consider, do yell!
Product wise there are new designs coming in fashion (from across the globe that will be, as always limited in numbers & different), jewellery (from very fine pieces to bold deco inspired fashion items), A shoe … Wait until you feel the AW14 Wedge Boot.

Just saying “you will want!” … Note: we will continue to only do a statement shoe each season not a collection and many other interesting & quirky finds from our travels.
The LFB offering will continue to evolve as we all grow.
We wish to turn the volume up on our online store to care for like minded women further afield and who knows, realistically the year ahead is written in the stars. Let them shine brightly on us all …
Happy New Year (albeit it is already the 11th)!
With a smile - CJ & Le’V - Team LFB xx
PS: Here’s a fashion tip for the first month of the year …

Two years ago on September 1 we opened the doors of little Look Feel Be Maylands as highlighted in a recent mailer out to loyal LFB'ers and to mark the occasion we went dancing!
Joining forces with great neighbours Estudio Nuevo we hosted a night of fun, fashion and dancing ...
Guests arrived on the trademark LFB red carpet sporting their Look Feel Be best ...

We all enjoyed fine wines from our friends at Sittella's Winery (delicious) which helped limber us up for the dance moves to follow...

Someone say Flamenco? With a variety of LFB'ers performing it was not only entertaining, it was inspiring ...

In between our dance workshop (which was not only a work out it was a crack up!) some of our LFB'ers put their hand up to show us their talent and we must say, they put us to shame (well some of us - wink wink) ... Check out Crystal doing her thing!
In between the dance floor moves, three of our finest LFB'ers debuted their modelling career in a... shall we say, 'fringe format - freestyle' way ... boasting new season garments, just in!

The LFB models did a fantastic job and were welcomed back for an encore! It was actually quite hard to get them off the Birthday stage. Pop in this weekend to see the pieces! They will be on line in next week or so (if they last that long!)
With a few magical moves across the dance floor by guests spontaneously moving their hips (male and female) there was a terrific vibe in the room ...

And then with a surprise out came LFB'er Gemma with her partner wearing a sizzling new season dress (hot!) ...

Thank you to all who came along and to the many beautiful LFB'ers who wrote to us to acknowledge our event that could not join us in this instance and the difference we have made to them. It means a lot to us.

Let the music continue in store (wish we could fit Tim into our little LFB everyday) - we look forward to dancing with you soon and don't forget we have many offers in our Birthday month ...
With a smile and a big thank you ... CJ & Le'V along with Team LFB x
PS: To see more pics from the party go to our facebook page!